Kids Playroom Design: Colorful Pillowfort Campsite

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When I was a little girl, I would always gather a BUNCH of pillows off the couch and steal pillows from every bedroom in the house to build a fort...a pillow fort. I would camp out in the fort and pretend to rescue all of my stuffed animals from the freezing cold weather on the other side of my pillow door in the living room and brought them into the warmth of the fort with me!  

Now that I have a real kid of my own, I feel like times have sorta changed. We conveniently have special brands actually CALLED Pillowfort that turns your childhood imagination into reality! They already do all the thinking for you and introduce the most adorable “pillow forts”, decor and accessories and more play stuff for your kids!

A few posts ago, I mentioned that I was in the process of designing my kid’s playroom and started with the window wall.  Now...well, I still am in the process, but I’m getting a little closer to the finish line! In this post, I’m revealing a section opposite of the window wall.  It’s kind of an odd corner of the room, and I didn’t quite know what to do with it, so I turned it into my kid’s "Pillowfort" campsite.


I love the paint-dipped tips of the wooden poles of this teepee!


So I may or may not have known that this gigantic pillow mat thing was a dog bed, but I thought wow this would fit perfectly in the kid’s little tent and doubles as a mini mattress AND is more affordable than kids stuff! Win win!


I totally LOVE the look of the cloud mobile hanging over the tent.  It makes it feel even more like a campsite.  It was really affordable (keep reading for cost breakdown) and super easy to install.  When you first take them out of the bag, these clouds are super wrinkly and do not unwrinkle over time.  The tag says no ironing, no washing, no drying, no nothing.  However, the wrinkliness bothered me, so I still tried steaming and ironing on low heat, and it smoothed out most of the wrinkles without burning through the cloud. Yay!


When I saw this little kid's lantern, I was practically giddy.  I wanted one for myself, so I used my kid as an excuse to secretly buy it for myself.  It comes in several colors (pink, blue, gray), but I chose pink because it. is. just. so. cute. !


Most of the stuff that you see for this campsite are from Target, but I apologize as I can't find the links to some of the pillows that I bought from Target.  I am especially upset that I can't find the campfire pillow online because it was such a good deal!  I found it in the Target dollar section in the front of the store where they have items between $1-$5.  Since I can't find the exact pillows I used, I've included a few other boho style pillows below that might go with the green/pink combo for this set.


1 Target Green Pillowfort Teepee:  $75
1 Target Pillowfort Faux Fur Rug:   $25
1 Target Pillowfort Kids Lantern:    $17
2 Target Colored Decorative Pillows (on clearance for $13 ea): $26
1 Target Campfire Pillow:  $5
1 Pom Pom Pillow (Home Goods):  $10
1 Dog Bed/Mat (Home Goods): $25
1 IKEA hanging cloud decor: $15

Total Cost:  $198

Thank you so much for visiting!  Have a wonderful rest of your day!

